Team Support Worker Guidebook

When you are deployed to an EOC as a TSW it is important for you to understand some of the common terminology and practices of “Disaster and Emergency Management.” The Guidebook for Team Support Workers is written for those who may be deployed to an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to provide psychosocial support to EOC members. This role is often described as a Team Support Worker (TSW). This guide will provide a brief overview of the structure of emergency management response, the roles and responsibilities within an EOC, and discuss “operational readiness/guidance for deployment,” workplace stress and the impacts of stress on a person’s emotional intelligence and decision making. The appendices offer further information, tips and resources for TSWs to assist EOC members with the psychosocial impacts of a disaster before, during and after the activation of an EOC. The guidebook also contains valuable information and resources for TSW self‑care, as any TSW deployed to an EOC will be exposed to the same events or stressful situations as the EOC members.

Download The Guidebook for Team Support Workers in Emergency Operations Centre

English Version – (1.0 MB)

French Version – (1.3 MB)