The Exercises


The output of the research will be a training and exercise “collaboratory” (SIMTEC) or virtual laboratory of information, research, and expert dialogue focused on training and exercise for emergency responders and leadership with a specific emphasis on the psychosocial implications of disasters for responders and civilians. This collaboratory will include a digital library of exercises, injects, scenarios, simulated news footage, and exercise manuals which will act as a central repository or evolving compendium of resources for training and research.

Specifically the project’s research findings and deliverables are:

  • a suite of exercises (including scenarios and multi-media injects); and
  • psychosocial protocols, guidelines and training for family physicians/health care workers, victim support workers, psychosocial interveners, first responders, and senior decision makers/EOC personnel.

The exercises will be centred on the research data and experiences of responders from British Columbia and various Federal Partners but will be applicable to any developed country with a concept of operations which includes an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). The protocols and guidelines will be of interest and applicable to any country.